multiple time signatures corruption

• Jul 28, 2015 - 17:03


I'm trying to transcribe a piece where the brass section is scored for a 2/4 time, and the rest for a 6/8. But it seems there's a problem with that - using Musescore 2.0.2 (I've tried it since 2.0 betas, and they all fails on this)

Attached is the piece - the error Musescore pops on opening the file is: Measure 15 staff 5 incomplete. Expected 6/8, found: 3/8. If you click Ignore the file loads - but then on the empty last bar 15 (I added two empty measures before saving the file) you will se the program inserts a strange quarter rest, and that staff doesn't permit entering a half note.

But other staffs/parts at th 2/4 seems to work ok in this aspect (ie, you can put a half note on measure 15 for the tuba, etc).

What could be happening?

NOTE: if I add (using Insert Measure...) a number of measures before that last one, they all seems okay - they are in 2/4 time and enable the half note insertion). It's the last one measure that remains strange. If I delete it, it seems the corruption dissapear (ie, I can save and reload the score without warnings). So it seems a "hack" is possible. I'm attaching the piece with the "hack".

NOTE 2: Ouch. If you try (on the rootftop_v2_corrupted_hack.mscz) to copy measures (from the same staff of course) onto the newly created, empty measures...Musescore crashes


In reply to by Shoichi

Hi Shoichi, thanks for the link. Well, I don't just understand why this corruption happens. What I was trying is to insert a half in a 2/4 measure, I don't understand what's wrong with that.

But if I try to copy and paste measures from the same staff (Trombone part) into the empty (last measure, Musescore crashes. I tested using your "B" attachment.

The fix is pretty easy: just select that corrupt measure (last one in the trombone staff) and press Del, save, close, reopen.
I don't quite understand why though, all those measure containing only a half note should be incomplete too, at a time sig of 6/8, they should be dotted half notes. Trying to fix that makes the matter worse!
Edit: Oh, I see these should be in 2/4 ... so there is something going severely wrong with local time sigs.
Have you created that score from scratch in 2.0.2 or did you start on in using some beta or nightly build?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


Jojo, I'm attaching a new score created with my current 2.0.2 (the released , not beta). It shows the same corruption on load when I tried to just copy measures onto empty ones. It shows the same error on load.

I don't remember if the score I attached in my first post, was in fact created with a earlier 2.0 build - it could probably, yes. But well, I see the problem persists in 2.0.2 for new scores.

Yes, I'm using local time signatures. What I've done for the test score I'm attaching now is: create new score->select instruments->accepted the default 4/4 time signature and blank key; and then, dragged and dropped 2/4 time for the horn, and 6/8 for the strings. Created some notes, and then tried to copy one bar of the horn onto a new measure....musescore crashes.

Attachment Size
test_202_new_score.mscz 7.92 KB

In reply to by mdi1972

Local time signatures are kind of an experiment feature. They work in general, but there are known limitations & bugs. Probably the most serious and relevant here is that attempts to copy and paste with measures that have local time signatures will usually create corruption which can indeed lead to crashes. See #51626: Copy/paste to/from passage with local time signatures produces corruption., also for example #51596: Delete of global time signature after local causes corruption and [#51272].

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