Copy a chord, paste a note

• Sep 20, 2010 - 22:37

1) Select a crotchet chord (e.g. F-A-C notes) of a piano score.
2) Make it a quaver.
(You see all notes selected)
3) Copy and paste it somewhere.

Expected result: All notes of the chord are pasted.
Actual result: Only the top note.

Not quite a full-blown bug, but misleading.

Using and Tiger.


I can't test whether this affect the nightly builds. It looks like copy and paste of single notes in the trunk is broken at the moment.

In reply to by chen lung

When you select the top note of a chord (or just anyone) and then change it's duration, the whole chord changes. This is expected, because same voice, etc. Afterwards the notes are blue - this is a minor bug, just the coloring is wrong, it only looks like a selection, but isn't.
Again it would be nice here, to have duration changes on actual selections
and you could
- select region
- change all notes (that's not trivial in fact, if it's more than one chord and you're increasing durations)
- copy, paste or do whatever afterwards with your selection

So maybe this could at least be implemented for selections that only contain one chord

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