Editing copyright and Inserting the copyright (C) symbol

• Aug 6, 2015 - 20:28

I am struggling with this. The text of copyright can only be altered (I believe) via the File /Info box. And I know about F2 - BUT how do you get to insert the (C) into the copyright line? Say 'Copyright (C) August 2015'
I don't seem to be able to copy the symbol (C) into File /Info box?


The above works on some keyboards / OS's, not all.

If it doesn't work on your system, you can always create a regular text element, add the copyright symbol there, then copy and paste it to File / Info. This is obviously not ideal, but for now it's what there is.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks. I had thought of copy and paste but it does not work for me IF the (C) is created within Musescore itself (say in text). It appears In that text but does not copy over to File/Info.
What does work is using the (C) sent to me in a reply I received here which came in an email. Copy and paste to box in File/info.
Not ideal situation but it works and thanks!

In Windows XP in the WINDOWS folder, there is a program called Character Map, which will let you choose and copy the characters in a given font. I always keep it in the Quick Launch bar for just such occasions.

I've never been able to use a general Key combination to enter the copyright symbol.

In reply to by harbinger

It is defined (by default) that, on Windows: the [Alt]+[0]+[1]+[6]+[9] (number keys from the numeric pad) keys combination should give the © character, any keyboard layout.

On Linux: [Alt Gr]+[Shift]+[C] (at least, on my spanish keyboard layout), also works so fine.

On Max: [Option]+[G].

BUT... If you see on Wikipedia "British and American Keyboards" article, the US International Keyboard Layout offers (under Windows) the keys combination [Alt Gr]+[C] as standard (see the attached file).

It should work!!!

Attachment Size
KB_US-International.png 48.71 KB

On a Windows machine under Windows 10, the AltGr-C combo doesn't work. But I was amazed to find out the Alt-0-1-6-9, combo does! (You have to let go of the Alt key before it prints it.)

Now all we need is a list of all such combos.

In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, alt codes are awesome. Favorites: Alt+130 é, Alt+138 è, Alt+164 ñ, Alts 179 through 223 (box drawing characters: ╚═╝etc.)

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