unable to organize reprises

• Sep 25, 2010 - 18:16

In the attached file, I show reprises which shlould play as follows:

1 to 12, 4 to 24, 4 to 12, 4 to 11, 25 to the end.
using measure property and reprise property, I am unable to achieve this

Attachment Size
toute la pluiebasse.mscz 13.73 KB


In reply to by David Bolton

I exercised with the files attached to the above link, but goes on not understandin how the Musescore volta system should work.

I am accustomed to the simple and effective system of the commercial software Pizzicato:
In each measure you can define which measure shall be played after it, for each time the measure is played. (just a "goto")

In my case I'd find following indications:

measure time goto
11 1 12
11 2 13
11 3 25
12 1 4
24 1 4

sorry I'm not able to present a correct table...;

this system seems able to handle any situation

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