Drag-and-dropped SVG rendered as bitmaps?

• Sep 25, 2010 - 23:01


I just started playing with embedded SVG images into scores and I have been rather surprised to see that they are actually rendered as non-scalable bitmaps.

My setup: Windows XP w/ SP3, MuseScore, Acrobat Reader 8.2.4, Inkscape 0.48 (to create the SVG)

An image is attached with screen shots from inside MuseScore showing a fragment of a test score and from Acrobat Reader showing the same fragment exported to PDF: in both the shots, the 'squared' note (the SVG image) clearly appears as a low-resolution bitmap, even if it is a purely vector image. I'm attaching also the SVG itself, just in case anybody can spot a problem with it.

I don't know if I made some mistake(s) in Inkscape (while creating the SVG), if it is a problem with inkscape, with MuseScore or with Acrobat Reader.

Any suggestion would be welcome.



Attachment Size
SVG_test.png 25.97 KB
minima_down_mm.svg 2.92 KB


I tried to drag&drop the svn from firefox to MuseScore and it works for me. The original size of the svg is very small and i had to scale it up a lot to make it visible in a normal score. An exported pdf looks as expected.
How did you get the svg into MuseScore?

Thanks for the reply and for replicating the process.

I got the SVG into the score by dragging the file from a Windows Explorer listing of the folder where the file is and dropping it onto the score.

Following your reply, I tried to drag and drop it from firefox: either from the link above or from the file loaded in firefox, nothing happens. Am I overlooking something so simple to be worth mentioning?


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

The rendering of svg's is done by the qt library and should be the same on linux & windows.
As i see there are two possible problems: first is what you are dragging from the web browser really in svg format, or is it rendered to a more widely accepted bitmap format? Second i dont know how an svg is stored in a pdf file. Maybe qt puts an bitmap image into the pdf and not some vector format (and print resolution is different on windows and linux).
First problem could be checked by inspecting the resulting MuseScore output file with the embedded svg.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

MuseScore file with embedded SVG created on Windows Vista attached.
If I'm not wrong, the SVG is included in the file and just a reference is kept in mscx.
MuseScore then draw the SVG using a QSvgRenderer as a Pixmap on a QPainter.

Attachment Size
svg.mscz 2.62 KB

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