Coda sign replaced by a box (Windows version 2.0.2)

• Aug 13, 2015 - 01:32

Any idea what would cause a coda sign to be replaced by a box?

Oddly enough, if I open the same file in an old "nightly" (63c0633), the coda sign is plainly visible.

Thanks in advance.


Font conflict. Either you have an older version of the MScore, MScore1, Bravura, and/or Bravura Text fonts installed on your system, or you have a custom palette created with that older version that depends on older versions of fonts. Neither is good. Make sure you don't have any of those fonts installed, and reset your palettes as described in "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

In reply to by RAMALAM

Not sure if you mean this comment to be related to this thread.

In general, no you should not expect the layout of the score to be exactly the same in every version - on the contrary, you should hope for *improvements* in the layout with each version. Sometimes minor imperceptible ones, but occasionally, maybe more significant ones (like going from 1.3 to 2.0, there were very major improvements in layout).

But certainly, fonts should and do work - as long as you haven't messed it up by installing conflicting fonts. As far as I can tell, it's only the fact that you installed an unsupported version of some font that MuseScore depends on that caused a problem here. You are never supposed to install those fonts - there are compiled into the binary and should not exist on your system as regular fonts. Installing them as regular fonts *will* lead to these sorts of problems.

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