Musescore as a text learning system

• Aug 13, 2015 - 12:52


I'm putting this here even though it's not so much a feature request because this is where the developers are likely to be. I'm interested in the viability of this idea.

I'm a software engineer and I sing opera as a hobby. The thing that I have the most difficulty with is memorizing, especially foreign text. We are just going to production with Mozart's Magic Flute and I still don't have all the text down.

I've been think about how to approach the memorization issue and even took an online course called Learning How To Learn, which dealt with the subject. The long and the short of it is that memories link one to another to build a "chunk."

Not knowing German, for example, I find it very difficult to associate to a bunch of sounds that I have a hard time putting meaning to. I do have an ear for music (of course) and I'm thinking that a flash card like system to associate and reinforce text with a series of notes might work. After thinking about how to create such a system, which would be complex, the idea came to me that perhaps Musescore can be extended in such a manner.

I'm thinking that there might be a popup window that would show the particular phrase in large letters as the music plays over it. That would help provide both strong visual and auditory cues. It would also be necessary to be able to repeat a section multiple times without resetting the starting point each time. And then to act like a flashcard system sometimes words would not be shown, perhaps randomly so that the user could fill in the blank.

That's my initial idea. It would also be nice if it could simultaneously play a synchronized audio file which could be used for a voice over.

Before I dig into the Musescore code I thought I'd get some opinions of whether it would be too difficult to extend it to add these sorts of features. Opinions anyone?




I think it is a very good idea.

But, as MuseScore is "to get a beautiful music score sheet" mainly, I think it is a "secondary" thing to the developers (as a lot of things I've been thinking and asking, hehehehe).

Anyway, I insist it is a very good idea.

MuseScore is a very outstanding, awesome, WYSIWYG software. And I really thank a lot to all the developers team. Thanks a lot, guys!!!!!!!

I just wonder... I've never imagined how the publishers could get the music score before the computers era. Mechanical machines? Handworks? ??? I don't know. But, I only know if there would be a global computer disaster today... It would be a total chaos!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Just a crazy idea from a mad mind. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Greetings & Bleesings from Curicó, Chile (South America)!!!!!!!


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