Lyrics Query

• Aug 23, 2015 - 21:12

I have a song with 4 verses, vv 1, 3 and 4 need to be normal text but v2 needs to be italic.

Obviously, I can highlight each separate syllable in v2 and use text properties to make that syllable italic but that's very time-consuming.

Is there a way of selecting just v2 lyrics and making them all italic?
I've tried many options within the Select/More and can get all v2 lyrics highlighted but then using text properties just changes one syllable , not all of them.

I can't use the even lyric line option because that would also change the v4 lyrics to italic and that I don't want.

I've looked at the handbook and "Mastering MuseScore" but can't work out what I need to do for this (apart from work on individual syllables).

Can anyone point me in the correct direction?


Usually if one wants to put a verse in italics, *all* even numbered verses should be italic. So the simple solution in these cases it is to set the Lyrics Even Lines text style to italic.

In your case, I guess for whatever reason you want verse 4 to still be normal font, so you could still use this same technique, but then select everything on verse 4 (right click one syllable, Select / More / Same subtype) and use the Inspector to set it to the Odd style instead of Even. Or use Style / Text to create a new version of thge Even style that is based on the default but uses italics, then select everything on verse 2 the same way and use the Inspector to set the style to your new custom style.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks as ever Marc, your comments help tremendously.
I'll create a new style for italic lines as you suggest.

I'm re-setting old music for a Male Voice choir (& quartet) and occasionally, a verse is sung as either a solo or in unison and I just want such verses to look different as a visual reminder to the choir that something has changed.

Choir members say the new copies are the best ever, being so clear, all down to MuseScore so thanks to all the developers.

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