Metronome markings (0.9.6)

• Nov 2, 2010 - 22:30

How do I add metronome markings to a score with MuseScore?


For how to set the tempo of a score, see the handbook page on tempo .

To change the wording of the tempo indication, replacing words like Allegro or Andante with metronome figures (or adding them), double click the word and edit it. To add a note value, press F2 to open the symbol palette and insert the relevant musical symbol(s).


In reply to by Charmeuren

While you are typing text, you don't actually need the shortcut - the icon for the keyboard palette displays at the bottom of the screen along with the font controls. But of course, you might not have known what that icon was for, or even noticed it. So it does help to go over the handbook to familiarize yourself with what the features are. Also, if you go to Edit->Preferences->Shortcut, you'll see the list of keyboard shortcuts - all of which are customizable. I actually learned a lot about what MuseScore could do just by looking at the list of things there were shortcuts for that I hadn't realized were possible (mostly because I didn't read the handbook thoroughly enough).

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