Arrow too far on tablature causes crash

• Nov 3, 2010 - 04:38
S2 - Critical

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Create new score for guitar tablature
2. Press "N" to begin note entry
3. Click on the tablature staff to a note
4. Press and hold the Up arrow for several seconds

--> Crash

(you also get a crash if you hold the down arrow long enough)

MuseScore version: r. 3666 nightly trunk

(Operating System: Windows 7)


Status (old) fixed active

Actual behavior:
If you hold the Up arrow, the fret number on the top line counts: 10, 11, 12, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0...
Even though the fret number is zero the sounding pitch keeps getting higher.

Expected behavior:
The fret numbers should keep counting incrementally. When you reach the highest fret, both the fret number and the sounding pitch should stay at the maximum.
According to johnnygizmo the highest fret number depends on the instrument but should be around 18-24 (see )

If you hold the Down arrow, the fret number on the bottom line should stop at 0 and the sounding pitch should not get any lower.