help function

• Dec 11, 2010 - 20:26

I am extremely dissatisfied with the help function. So far i have tried 3 subjects and struck out on all. It seems that Help doesn't. Most recently, I tried to find out how to re-size the coda symbol. I tried typing resize symbol, bigger symbol, larger symbol, make symbol larger, and many others. NOTHING. I's sure there's a way to do it, but it's not in Help. Help really needs to be comprehensive, otherwise why bother?

Fred J.


The english handbook is in Wiki mode so you are welcome if you want to participate. You can discuss documentation wording etc... on the dedicated forum.
The forum is also helpful. You just need to search or if you don't find an answer, ask.

Regarding the Coda symbol, it's just a text. You can resize the text by double clicking it. Selecting it and change the font size in the bottom text bar.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi Lasconic,

Thanks for the quick reply. What is Wiki mode? I may be welcome to contribute, but that's the blind leading the sighted; I know nothing about how to use MuseScore. That's why I am complaining about Help being unhelpful.

As to Codas, my coda symbol definitely does NOT behave like text. With text, if I double click, the bar with the name and size, etc. appears at the bottom of the page. No matter how I click on the coda symbol, no such thing happens. No dialogue box appears, no text block, no bar with fonts, etc. Nothing. Period. And I just tried to insert a fermata, with the same result. So what do I do?

Yet another conundrum: How do I put an eighth-note rest at the beginning of a measure? If I need to type a note and then change it to a rest, how do I do that? Once again, Help is useless.

Fred J.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Hi Xavier,
That would work just fine, but I don't want to adjust all the other text in the piece. There are chord names and written directions. They are the size I want them to be.

Fred J.

In reply to by xavierjazz

OK, I get it now - I thought you meant that chord names were treated as symbols. However, I don't know what you mean by 'select all'. All what? If I select all, then all the measures are highlighted. I have no other symbols in the piece yet, so what is there to select? What am I not getting here?

Fred J.

In reply to by fbjacobo

My guess is you didn't use the right coda for this job. The coda we are talking about is the one in the repeat palette. You might have picked up the one in the symbol palette.

  1. Select your coda and press delete
  2. Open the repeat palette. If you don't see the palette go to Display -> Palette
  3. Drag and drop the coda to the measure you want the coda on, the measure turn brown, you can drop
  4. Drag the coda if necessary and double click it
  5. Select the coda text and change the size in the bottom text bar.

here is a video :

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, that's what I did. I didn't realize that the coda sign in the repeat section would be treated differently than the symbol coda. (Why in the world is there one in the symbol menu???) Thank you. And thanks to all who have given their time to help.

Fred J.

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