No Audio Playback

• Oct 13, 2015 - 01:57

I cannot find answers to my problem.
I have deleted all the Musescore files from my Macbook Pro (2015)
I have downloaded Musescore 2 again.
I cannot get the playback to work.
The handbook says to look under "view" for sythesiser. Synthesizer is grayed out. so I do not have access. The handbook says to Right click on the menu bar for sound problems. What is the appropriate command for a Macbook? It also says to go to Edit -Preferences-I/O tab & press OK, again this refers to a windows setup. I have not read the entire handbook yet due to time constraints. I am trying to copy a Timpani score for Thursday Oct 15.


See the Handbook under "Revert to factory settings". if that does not work, please post the settings you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O, or whatever the mac equivalent is - I think maybe Mac places the "Preferences" menu somewhere else?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

See the Handbook under "Revert to factory settings". if that does not work, please post the settings you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O, or whatever the mac equivalent is - I think maybe Mac places the "Preferences" menu somewhere else?
Hi Marc.
When I revert to factory settings, nothing happens possibly due to a new download (No changes)
When I attempt a new score ,my steps are File-new-bas clef-no flats or sharps-finish-instruments-pitched percussion-add- highlight piano-remove. I make a 3 bar score for timpani using C & F & hit the playback button, nothing happens. The playback functions are grayed out.
When I attempt to look under view for the sound font "synthesiser" is visible but grayed out. I cannot find any reference to "preferences" on my Macbook.
When I first downloaded Musescore. I did manage to hear a playback for 3 bars using earphones but when I attempted to repeat, the playback controls grayed out & I have not been able to hear anything. i did experiment & heard the metronome beating in 4/4 time but no Timpani
My computer is a 2015 Macbook pro . The operating system is OXS Yosemite.
When I "discovered" Musescore, I assumed this was going to be a great tool as I "took over" the percussion duties of our recently departed drummer.
My Apple Mac is new so this is a learning curve for both the computer & Musescore. I have tried Finale Notepad but I cannot afford the purchase price & Musescore appears to be a similar product.
Please let me know if this playback function does not work on my Mac.

In reply to by malibujohn

Somehow, you need to find the Preferences dialog. Asw I said, Mac has its own way of doing things. Instead of it being in the Edit menu, I think it is found in some sort of special Mac menu, something all programs share? Hopefully someone more familair with Mac can help. But we need to know the settings the I/O tab of that dialog to proceed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank your your prompt reply Marc.
While experimenting, I clicked on Musescore & found preferences. I/O had a Jack ticked so I changed it to Port. Eureka, it works.
Synthesiser (in view) is also visible & the FluidR3etc. is there. I have increased the volume so playback (now black) can be heard through the speaker or earphone.
Once again , thanks for your help.

In reply to by malibujohn

I have the same problem. I restarted my Mac with Musescore still running. OSX closes down apps gracefully and complains if an app won't follow orders. On restarting I have no access to the Synthesizer which is very painful.

I've tried the following
- Reset to factory settings
- Deleted all files: application and data directory and reinstalled

The preferences under I/O is set to PortAudio but API, Device and MIDI input are blank and can't be selected.

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