Two Questions: VST Usage and Courtesy Naturals/Sharps/etc.

• Oct 16, 2015 - 22:39

So I have two questions. First one is about VST usage. Is there a way in Musescore to link up VSTs? For projects it'd be cool to use my high quality VSTs to play the piano parts if possible. I have SoniVox 88 so it'd be cool to have those samples put to use. I also have considered somehow outputting the MIDI?

Secondly, is there a means of setting up courtesty naturals? The name of this escapes me, but say the key signature is just C, and in measure two I have an F#. Is there a way to set up Musescore to have in the next measure the instance of F have a natural sign before it? It seems this doesn't happen, but would be helpful for reading purposes.


You can use VSTi's by switching to JACK for I/O

You don't say which OS you are using, but the Jack Audio Connection Kit is available for all three platforms which MuseScore supports.

It can be a bit fiddly to set up initially, but once it is working it enables you to send the MIDI output from MuseScore to any external VST host. The best results, however, are gained from using one which is JACK compatible otherwise you have to start messing around with Asio bridging software.

I have gained quite a bit of experience of setting up JACK on the WIndows platform - please don't hesitate to come back if you have problems, although I have currently run into a problem with JACK on Windows 10 and one of the Realtek High Definition soundcards which I'm so far unable to resolve.

As regards courtesy accidentals, as a rule MuseScore does not add these automatically - you have to add them yourself using the accidental buttons on the right hand side of the note entry palette. Or by setting up keyboard shortcuts - I have the last three keys of the middle row of letters on my computer keyboard to ad flat, natural and sharp in that order.


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thanks for the help! Regarding Jack, I'm on ten and use some virtual soundcard so my MIDI doesn't lag out on me. But, I realized to myself...why don't I just ouput the midi and load it into Ableton Live? My score went from bland to wow! Of course, I can only have six parts (I have the free version) but my stuff is just three part, melody and piano stuff anyways. Cool to hear it all played on a nice piano set up and vibes.

Too bad about the accidental thing, it's pretty annoying no lie, but I'll have to go in and just mess with them all and then set up that short cut!

Thanks again!

In reply to by ZackP

There is a Plug-In which can add resp. remove courtesy accidentals:

It works with MuseScore 2.* and comes as a Zip-file. You can open it and copy the directory "heuchi-courtesyAccidentals-f2d0ca3" to the plugins-directory of musescore. Afterwards you can use the plug-in-manager of MuseScore to register it and then it is ready for use.

I like it very much and use it with almost each score.

In reply to by KHS

Pretty cool! I'll definitely add this. It's no lie been troublesome, I have a ton of chords and it gets bothersome with three staffs (grand and melody). I never know what has been sharpened or flattened! VERY confusing. Thanks for the help!

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