Two fingerings for one note: positioning and globally adjusting them separately

• Oct 26, 2015 - 18:01

For the page of 12 scales I'm creating (for pianists), my preference Is to have a single line scale in one staff for each key, with fingering for the right hand (RH) above the notes, and fingering for the left hand (LH) below the notes.

It's easy to add the RH fingering. Once I've done that though, is there a way to add the LH fingering so it gets automatically positioned below the notes, and also so it can be separately globally adjusted from the RH fingering?

Right now, when I add the LH fingering, it puts the number above the note, obscuring the RH fingering. I suppose I can adjust each one manually, but this would be a pain. I'm going to be creating a bunch of these pages...

With gratitude for solutions,


Use voices if the notes are on the same staff. Right click on the fingering already inserted > Select / More> Same stave;
From the Inspector change the Vertical offset.
If the notes are on different staves: enter notes directly as Voice 2 or select the stave > Edit / Voices / Exchange voice 1-2.
If you want to attach your score maybe I can understand a little more :)

In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for the ideas. I tried changing the vertical offset for the first set of fingering (above the notes) to get them out of the way. Then I selected the first note, chose Voice 2, and entered a second fingering for that note. It appeared below the note, which is good. But to keep adding additional fingering for each note in Voice 2 I kept having to click each next note, then click Voice 2 again. A bit cumbersome. When finished, I tried to select ONLY the fingering in Voice 2, but I could not do it, despite choosing "more" and selecting "in same voice." All the fingering in both voices, both above and below the notes, was selected. When I tried to change the vertical offset, MuseScore put them all back in the same place, so that the two finger numbers for each note were on top of each other and thus illegible.

I've attached the file. I manually placed a second finger number for LH below the first note, so you can see what I'm attempting. Thanks again for your help with this!


In reply to by darkstream

Suggestion: use the second set of numbers (LH fingering, optimized for guitar) in the palette. In this case, it allows to avoid collisions (except with accidentals, no matter for now), the number being placed to the left of the note head.
Enter these fingerings, then: right-click on one of them -> Select -> More -> Same subtype -> Ok

Now, hold "Alt Gr" key pressed (depending maybe the OS and the keyboard configuration?) - here, it works very fine, under Windows -, and simply select/press a fingering and drag with the mouse. Result: all the selected fingerings move in the same time, so, it's easy to place them below the notes, as you wished.
Other way with same result (after selection of Same subtype) by using the vertical/horizontal offsets in the Inspector.

I join the example (sorry for the fingerings, certainly wrong, I am not pianist!)
A Blues Scales (D1)_0.mscz

Attachment Size
A Blues Scales (D1)_0.mscz 9.47 KB

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