Copy and paste lyrics/text from Microsoft Office Word into Musescore

• Jan 11, 2011 - 09:18

I have written the notes, but want to import the lyrics/text from a microsoft Office Word file by method of copy and paste. I don't want to write it in (contr L) in order to avoid mistakes. Is it possible?



In reply to by Thomas

Thanks for the link, that clears things up. I was shocked because I was thinking that 1.0 was going to be the next version of MuseScore with features that were found in the nightlies, and the nightly versions I had tried in the last month or so didn't seem stable at all, so I was really confused. I see now from that thread that is going to "graduate" if you will to 1.0 status, and work toward the next version being 2.0. That clears it up for me.

Thanks again for all the great work on MuseScore. I am an evangelist, and I share MuseScore with my students and musician/band director friends.

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