Crash on entering first note

• Nov 12, 2015 - 10:21
Graphical (UI)
S2 - Critical

New score in 2/4 F major : when entering first note quarter A or G the program crashes.
Keystrokes : N 5 A
operating system Max OSX 10.10.5
Musescore 2.0.2 f51dc11


Also, please attach the specific score you are having problems with. Even if it's just a new empty score, it could be something about a preference setting on your system that causes new scores to work differently than for others. Or it could be a problem in the template you started from, or the version of instruments.xml on your system, etc.

If other notes work correctly, check that you haven't assigned A or G to be a shortcut for something else. That shouldn't cause a crash of course, but again, it might explain why you see something different from everyone else.

stil can't reproduce. Opening the score and pressing N, 5, A and a Gbb3 gets added (not an A?!?)
Odd: why are multi measure rests turned on? Is it still crashing for you with it being turned off? Like pressing M before N? I get an A4 that way.

more oddness: try to move the note up and down using the arrow keys: it jumps arround, rather than moving up/down just one semitone, again only when multi measure rests were turned on on note entry

To reproduce (not crash here, under Windows 8.1, but very unexpected result, related?) with the 2.0.2

1) "My First Score"
2) Press "M"
3) Change time signature eg 2/4 instead of 4/4
4) Note entry mode
5) Enter eg a C with keyboard
Result: the note is placed many octaves below
note below.jpg
No issue with same steps with the last Nightly :
Also works by entering notes with the mouse, or by changing time signature BEFORE press "M"

Right, latest nightly behavers properly, so that bug seems fixed.
Not sure about the Crash, might be Mac specific or even specific to Yosemite

Status (old) needs info duplicate

I see the same thing as Jojo when I try this in 2.0.2, because of this bug:

#74961: Initial octave way off during note input after mmrests

This is already fixed for both the master (2.1) and for 2.0.3. EDIT: posts crossed :-)

Meanwhile the workaround is to simply turn multimeasure rests off (press "M") before starting note entry. Even though I don't see a crash on my system, I can easily believe the basic problem that led to the effect Jojo and I saw might sometimes lead to a crash - we are entering notes into a measure that has not yet been laid out.

Normally new scores would not have multimeasure rests turned on, so I'm guessing this was created from a template or using non-default settings for style options (eg, via Edit / Preferences / Score). Was this intentional?

In my style settings multi-rests is usually turned on.
When turning off (M key) Musescore works perfect !!!
Thank You
Your 're doing great job!
When will 2.1 be available?

There is no particular schedule, probably not until sometime next year. We're still adding features. Very possibly there will be a 2.0.3 sooner than that to just focus on bug fixes.