Full screen when playing

• Jan 15, 2011 - 09:29
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

I like very much MuseScore and use it often for playing the score to check my tempo at piano.
It would be very nice to have something like Wiew | Full screen which result in displaying the score only with start and stop button to get the maximal size of the screen for displaying the score.


Sibelius has this feature. Personally I don't like it. The switch between the two modes is misleading and I have hard time finding where I was while editing. If it's implemented I suggest making it optional.

Full screen mode in general (not just during playback) is very useful when working on large ensemble scores. If I zoom out too far then the notes on the screen become unreadable; if I zoom in to see the notes then I can't see all the staves at once.

See "Darklight.mscz" for an example of a large ensemble score. http://musescore.org/en/node/8567

Full screen mode doesn't entirely solve the problem since the score can still be too large sometimes. However full screen mode does help.

That said, I'm someone that uses full screen mode for many applications (even my browser sometimes). I understand it isn't for everyone.