Error in measure

• Jan 25, 2011 - 23:43

I use and export a MusicXML-sheet. But now In all bass-lines there is a big problem: In the bass clef I can't insert exactly 4 pad notes with duration 1/8, even when I set a time-signature 2/4!

Try to delete all notes 1/8 in one measure and try now to insert 4x notes 1/8. I have done this in measure 8 and can't insert 4x 1/8 note. I would say this dump error comes from the former imported MusicXML-file.

The musicXML was created with PDFtoMusic Pro.

Best regards,

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2.mscz 5.19 KB


It is quite likely the PDFtoMusic made some mistakes (like too many beats in a measure). I noticed the beginning didn't even have a time signature.

I deleted some of the measures that appeared to be corrupted (via Edit > Delete Selected Measures). You can re-enter those measures.

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2.mscz 5.21 KB

I have seen this problem too while importing from PDFtoMusic XML files: but --> this problem also occurs in some rare instances while copying parts from one measure to another measure! And when you work with larger scores, this is done regularly. It is not always possible to remove the error. (see attached example, measure 98, lead voice).

As for importing from XML: it puzzles me as to why it is possible to create -incomplete- or -overcomplete- measures: shouldn't Musescore re-arrange the measure bars? Or give some kind of error/warning? I can't imagine any situation where it is possible / allowed to put f.e. five quarter notes in a 4/4 beat?

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Pieleke.mscz 23.53 KB

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