Where did my custom templates go?

• Feb 2, 2011 - 02:14

I created a mscz file normally, intending to use it as a template once I had everything the way I liked it. Having reached that point, I did as Save As to save the file to C:\Program Files\MuseScore\templates (Windows Vista). I was surprised not to be asked to confirm the operation, but the save succeeded, and it now shows up in the dialog when I go to create a new score from template, and creating songs from this template file works exactly as I'd expect. Wonderful. Except that when I went to send a copy of the template to student, I find the file *just isn't there*. At least, Windows Explorer (Vista) cannot see it, and I have hidden files as well as system files made visible. I can see it from any of the dialogs within MuseScore, including the "Open" dialog, right where I saved it, but no other program can see it.

So I'm guessing that when I did the Save As to that templates folder, MuseScore actually stored the file somewhere else behind my back and is just pretending the file is there. The question is, where is it really?


I did that same thing. I noticed that I have a file with the .mscz extension and one with a .mss extension. Maybe your file got saved with the .mss extension?

As far as I know, MuseScore does nothing behind your back with template. The template files are listed from the templates directory everytime you open the New Score Wizard. So take a closer look to your explorer window.

Sounds dubious, I realize. But here is the screenshot. On the left you'll see the Windows Explorer window set to C:\Program Files\MuseScore\templates. On the right you'll see the MuseScore "Open" dialog set to that same folder. You can see the extensions and file types are all mscx and mscz, not mss (those result from "save style", BTW). I lined the windows up so you can the file listing is exactly the same, until you get to the end, where the MuseScore dialog shows three files not visible in Windows Explorer.

Could someone else running Windows try and see if they get something different? All you need to do is create or load any document, then do a "Save As" and try to save it to C:\Program Files\MuseScore\templates, then browse that folder using a Windows Explorer or any other program and see if the file shows up.

I could believe this is some sort of Windows-ism I was previously unaware of - trying to save into certain folders from a non-privileged applications actually stores somewhere else visible only to that application. Luckily, I can open the document normally from MuseScore and then Save As somewhere else that I *can* find from Windows Explorer, so I was able to send the template to my student. But I still want to know what actually happened here.

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missing_template.png 295.85 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

When I read the most recent post in this discussion (PianoGirl's misplaced query), I didn't realize how old the thread was; I assumed that Marc's question was current -- and as yet unanswered. (FWIW, I even attempted to duplicate the problem ... not that there was really any point, given that I'm using XP rather than Vista, but I was intrigued nonetheless!)

Marc, did you ever figure out what was going on there?

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

No, I didn't. I've since seen similar behavior a couple of times. It eventually goes away. Sometimes an explicit delete of an old file is required, sometimes a reboot. Sometimes it's just goes away eventually on its own. Apparently, something is beng cached somewhere that probably shouldn't, but I don't know if Windows or Qt to blame.

Right now, I have something similar going on with my Templates. EDIT: my initial post described the current situation incorrectly. Actually, it,s the same as last time: if I go to Open a file in MuseScore and browse to the templates folder, I see files I had installed there but deleted months ago. Browsing to that same folder in Windows shows them gone, as expected. It's the darnedest thing.

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