Inserting a score into a Word document as a picture

• Feb 2, 2011 - 17:34

I want to take musical examples typeset in Musescore, save them in a picture format (such as .bmp or .jpg) and insert the pictures into a Word document. I want a picture format where the data is just pixels and where there is no need to save or embed font information when I put together the final manuscript. Thank you for any suggestions on how to do this. (I am using Windows on a PC.)


You can save a full as PNG. PNG is a pixel based graphic format. See File format .
To save as PNG, go to file -> Save a copy and choose PNG in the filetype field. The PNG picture will contain a full page. You should be able to include it in Word just like you do with a bmp or a jpg. You may need to resize it with Paint or Word.

I created a musical example on one staff and saved it as .png.
Then in Word I did Insert->Picture->from file and selected the .png file.
The result was that an entire page was inserted into the Word document. It contained the staff in towards the upper left corner. The page had a border and resize boxes. However, when I tried to resize the box, the staff shrunk too - it shrunk the entire image.

So I wonder if there is a way to save the .png file from Musescore so that it is only the size of the image.

From my scanner software I have an HP image editor and I wonder if I can read the .png file into the scanner's image editor and crop it - maybe I will try it next. I do not have any expensive image software like photoshop.

Suggestions welcome.

In reply to by David Bolton

>It looks like you posted the same question twice.
Kindly refrain from making statements about what I did or did not do. I posted different questions about different aspects of the issue of including a picture.
This is the second time you have posted the 9032 link, and I will state again that it does not answer the question.

In reply to by peacenow

I read this thread, and the other thread, mentioned above and I have two observations:

1. - First let me state that I am not a developer of this software or associated with it in any way other than a very satisfied user. I come on these forums not only to ask occasional questions, but more often to help others who have questions that I can answer, as I've used MuseScore extensively for composing/arranging. That said, I really don't appreciate your sarcastic and caustic tone in your posts. This is open source software, and there is a strong community of users (me included) who are willing to help, but your bombastic tone won't get you the help you desire. You're been a member of the forums for all of four days as of this posting, and no one needs you to tell us how to answer questions. If you don't like the answers you get, attacking those answering will not improve the situation.
2 - You're question here was about inserting into a word document. David answered your question by telling you to save as a png and insert it. Then you wanted to know how to get it cropped to just the part you wanted. While there are those on the forums who can make suggestions on how to do this, a simple Google search would turn up GIMP , a free image editing suite that you download to your computer, or this , this , this , or this free online image editor, any of which can crop an image. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

If you follow your pattern, at this point you will attack me for being rude, but I am going to stand up for these developers - especially David - who have created a program that rivals software that other companies want hundreds of dollars for. They give of their time to not only develop the program, but also to help users on these forums. If you want instant answers to every question you have, feel free to pay Finale or Sibelius $600, then call their customer support lines. Otherwise, let's try to tone it down and be a little more polite.

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