Lyric spacing

• Jan 4, 2016 - 17:35

Using MuseScore 2.0.2, rel f51dc11 under Win7

Just entered a Christmas carol and noticed that the lyric left margin is not aligned and I don't understand why.
For each verse I type
number-dot-Ctrl/space-first character.
Normally all the verses align correctly on verse number but this time not so, the 4 verses that begin with the Double quotes align further left than the 2 verses without the double quotes. It looks as though it's aligned on the first Alpha character and the Double Quotes is not treated as an alpha character.
Adding an extra Ctrl/space almost does the job but not exactly.

How can I get everything to line up correctly on the verse number?

Attachment Size
Example.mscz 12.45 KB


At some point it was requested that punctuation be ignored when aligning syllables, so I implemented that. I had a feeling it wouldn't turn out to be the right answer in all cases, and here indeed is one where it probably isn't.

For the record, here is one of the discussions that led to this decision: #24856: Ignore "parenthesized expressions" that precede lyric syllables. See also #36366: Parse verse number out of lyric and align lyric properly.

If anyone has suggestions for how to tweak the algorithm to handle this case without breaking anything else, feel free to make suggestions!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks to you all for the input.
I'm NOT suggesting for a moment that someone amends code (unless, of course, it's straightforward and doesn't cause any other problems)

Now I know that punctuation is ignored, I can use Inspector to correct the issue when it next occurs, after all, it doesn't happen too often.
I'm sure there are much more important issues for developers' time.

Many thanks.

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