Start measure numbers at…

• Feb 24, 2011 - 23:33

I recently had a big arrangement that, for printing purposes, I broke down into 7 smaller arrangements. Unfortunately, in each smaller arrangement, the measure numbers start at 1. It would be nice if I could start the measure numbers at other numbers so that the measure numbers in each sub-arrangement can start where the previous part left off.


In reply to by David Bolton

I am using version 1.2. I did not get "ADD TO MEASURE NUMBER" to work perfectly. For some reason I seemed to be unable to SELECT the first measure. Eventually I inserted 2 blank measures at the beginning of the piece and succeeded in getting the measure properties by selecting blank measure no. 2. (I tried deleting the 2 blank measures afterwards, but that caused the measure numbering to revert to default value)

I am scoring part of a piece starting at measure 102. How to select the starting measure number to display on score?

In reply to by Miwarre

Thank you.Miwarre. The first time I tried it did not work perfectly and I had to insert blank measures at the start because I was unable to select first measure. However, after further advice from Marc Sabatella I restarted my computer and tried again and it worked perfectly

In reply to by Miwarre

Thank you.Miwarre. The first time I tried it did not work perfectly and I had to insert blank measures at the start because I was unable to select first measure. However, after further advice from Marc Sabatella I restarted my computer and tried again and it worked perfectly

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