Whole bar rests not working when bar has unusual duration

• Feb 21, 2016 - 18:47

Windows 10 Musescore 2.0.2 f51dc11
My bar length is 17/8 in order to enter plainchant passages.
Instructions here https://musescore.org/en/handbook/measure-rests-0 says to create a full measure rest select the measure and hit Del. In my case the result is not the expected semi-breve rest, but this instead:
Is this a bug? And can anyone tell me how to add a whole bar rest in this situation?
What I have done for now is enter a semi-breve rest, made the other semi-breve and quaver rests invisible, and move it to the middle of the bar with horizontal offset, the result being:
which is fine but felt like too much work!


Delete only creates full measure rests if the measure is is "normal" with respect to the time signature. For measures with custom durations, you need Ctrl+Shift+Delete to convert the regualr duration-based rests into full measure rests.

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