Caesuras/breaths and pauses to be adjustible in inspector

• Feb 22, 2016 - 13:55
S5 - Suggestion

The offerings of the "pauses and breaks" palette serve a large number artistic needs, breaths in instruments and songs, phrasings of various sorts, etc. Right now there is no control at all on the length of delay they represent, although it actually is a variable present in the their XML representation. A field in the inspector pane for breaths and pauses controlling their "time-stretch", or delay in some units either tempo-dependent or not (anything is better than nothing) seems an obvious, straightforward, and necessary addition.


Agreed this would be useful. Support for playback of these was a relatively last minute addition to 2.0 and it was too late to consider developing a UI for this. If you are so inclined, you should be able to create a custom palette, save it, then edit it by hand (it's a text file) and change the length.

FWIW, though, for breaths, I think the proper playback would not be to add a delay, but to shorten the note by some specified amount. Which is really to say, do the same thing you can already do (more clumsily) via the Pianoroll Editor. There has been some discussion of moving this control to the Inspector, but the proposal seems to be somewhat controversial. I don't know that there would be to the same objection to adding such a control for breaths, though (as opposed to notes).