12 Hole Ocarina Fingering


A MuseScore 4 plugin to add 12 hole ocarina fingerings, either for the selection or the whole score. Fingerings are added for every note in the chord, including grace notes (although the spacing for those might not be great).
You can use one of a number of fonts. I have supplied my own free font Ocarina TwelveH Alpha, but support for these free fonts is also built in:
- "OcarinaT12Custom", source: https://theocarinanetwork.com/ocarina-tab-font-t16286.html
- "Open 12 Hole Ocarina 1" and "Open 12 Hole Ocarina 2", source: https://github.com/panzi/ocarina_tabs
- "12 hole taiwanese", source: https://theocarinanetwork.com/ray-39-s-12-hole-and-double-ac-ocarina-ta…

Support for commercial fonts from Songbird and Whirlwindpress might be added later.


Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Simplified notation