Handbók til MuseScore 3

This translation is outdated, see the English version for a reference: MuseScore 3 Handbook

Handbókin er til MuseScore útgáva 3.0 og nýggjari. Hon verður hildin og umsett av MuseScore felagsskapinum. Hvussu kann eg hjálpa til?.

(Um tú brúkar MuseScore 2.x enn, kanst tú fara til the old handbook).


Hesin parturin hjálpir tær at leggja inn og koyra MuseScore fyri fyrstu ferð. Tú fær eisini innlit í ymsu læru og hjálparamboðini.


Parturin →"Byrjan" leiddi teg gjøgnum innsetanar gongdina. Parturin "Grundarlag" gevur yvirlit yvir MuseScore og lýsir høvuðshættirnir í handfaringini av nótablaðnum.


Í undanfarna partinum →"Byrjan" lærdi tú at seta inn nótar og at brúka palettirnar. Í "Nótaskipanar" partinum verða ymsu nótaskriftirnar lýstar neyvari, umframt meiri framkomnar nótaskipanir.

See also →Advanced topics.

Sound and playback

MuseScore has "Sound and playback" capabilities built-in. This chapter covers the playback controls and ways to extend the instrument sounds.


Many score elements in MuseScore are based on text, either alone (e.g., staff text, dynamics, tempo, fingering, lyrics, etc.) or in combination with lines (e.g., voltas, octave lines, guitar barre lines, etc.).

This chapter covers some of the different classes of text MuseScore supports, and formatting options.

Other types of text are covered in other chapters:


Advanced topics


This chapter describes how to find help using MuseScore: the best places to look, the best way to ask a question on the forums, and tips for reporting a bug.
