Add a Desktop shortcut in the Open File dialog [trunk]

• Oct 21, 2011 - 10:09
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

This panel that is the "Open" panel from MuseScore DESPERATELY needs a "Desktop" shortcut icon.

It is SO time consuming to have to browse for the so obvious Desktop location. That's what people work with the most.

Please DO add this in a future MuseScore nightly.

Attachment Size
this.jpg 46.09 KB


Changed the title.
I personally don't like the new Open File dialog in MuseScore Trunk and I prefer the native one. The current one is often very slow. So my first move is to change the preferences to the native one in Edit -> Preferences -> General.

I also find it very bizarre and non-intuitive. I do know the path to get the desktop but haven't gone through the change you did to get the native dialog back.

Please set that as default in MuseScore 2, it is such an incremental and obvious thing it should have already been a given.

Whoever designed that must have been a Mac OS user, those are the most GUI unproductive OS's... Windows 95 has had features that Mac OS X still doesn't have to this day, not to mention the hoards of Unix-like operating systems that are squat when it comes to GUI productivity which is spelled out FREEDOM of movement window-wise.

How I HATE GUI non-intuitiveness.......

Title Add a Desktop shortcut in the Open File dialog Add a Desktop shortcut in the Open File dialog [trunk]

We'll do a major UI overhaul on the trunk at a certain point. So we won't fix this right away, but we'll do them all in one batch.