Autoloading of instruments_XX.xml in the system language

• Nov 13, 2009 - 07:40
S5 - Suggestion

instruments_XX.xml should be loaded just like mscore_XX.qm file, using the system language by default.

First requested by dubyk


This was the original implementation but reverted on purpose to allow for example english instrument names when working with a german gui. The current implementation instead allows to configure a default instrument file in preferences.

Ok. It makes sense.
Maybe a similar dropdown menu than the global language one can be implemented. With system being the default.
Or maybe not ... because it will not enable the use of an instruments.xml file based on something else than the language.

So maybe, a checkbox, checked by default, to use the default instrument file for the global language.

The ultimate goal is that a new french user, opening MuseScore for the first time, gets the instrument list in French.
An advanced user should be able to pick a particular instrument file, not linked with a language.