Compatibility of symbols in side palette from 0.9.5 (0.9.6 regression)

• Dec 19, 2009 - 08:22
S2 - Critical

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Open attached file: "0.9.5 to 0.9.6 symbols side palette.mscz"

Expected behavior: Symbols should match the output of 0.9.5

Actual behavior: All the symbols from the side palette appear as a little "8" instead

MuseScore version: r.2482 nightly

(Operating System: Windows XP)

Attachment Size
0.9.5 to 0.9.6 symbols side palette.mscz 11.36 KB


Status (old) active fixed

I reverted my changes to sym.cpp from r.2489 to fix the compatibility issue.

However some of the names are quite cryptic. (For example "acc stdbase" instead of "Accordion standard base" and "d1do head" instead of "shape note: half note up stem"). Is there a way to improve the readability for users and translators?

The symbol names are used in the MuseScore *.msc files instead of the codepoint number. They are originated from the old lilypond names. Problem is that changing the names will break compatibility with old *.msc files. They are not really well suited for this application as a label as they contain spaces and special characters. As you said they are also not optimal for human readers.
What we want is a short descriptive label for use in an *.msc file and a longer human readable description usable as online help which should be translatable.
The motivation to use labels instead of numbers in *.msc files is that we want to be independent of the actual code point of an symbol. This is needed if we want to support different score fonts in the future.
Unfortunately MuseScore still uses code numbers for symbols in text (as the repeat symbols). Text is represented as html and i have not found a way yet to use symbols in html yet which works with the qt library.