Possible bugs with publishing score

• Apr 9, 2024 - 05:57

I recently published this score for men's choir, TTBB arrangement.

There are 2 problems, possibly because of bugs.

1) it gives the wrong part names. Initially, I had removed the "tenor" and "bass" from the actual score because I thought they were superfluous, but the website then assumed the parts were for synthesizer. I have no idea where it gets this idea. I created the score for tenor and bass, each with 2 voices, and i changed the playback sound to grand piano, but I don't see why this would affect it. Then I renamed the parts to tenor and bass, and now it thinks its for synthesizer and bass guitar...

2) about the title. The full title is: rid över skog by björn isfält from ronia the robbers daughter, which is the same format that the guidelines wants it to be. but, when I actually publish, it has become renamed to "rid över skog - björn isfält rid över skog björn isfält from ronia the robbers daughter". i.e. it repeats the title and composer, and this is probably taken from the step where you say if its based on another composition.

so in short, I appriciate that the website is trying to help me by auto generating some information, but the way it's done right now is a bit confusing and also leads to errors.


In reply to by TheHutch

I have a similar problem to andmac and it has been reported both on the musescore.org forum and the musescore.com "blank wall".
Thanks Hutch but I don't understand why you've supplied all these "faq" links? People with any sense report things here because it is so visible and effective, rather than the myriad of musescore.com web pages and so-called "support".

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