Fjernelse af instrumentnavn

• apr 6, 2011 - 21:56

Jeg kan ikke fjerne instrumentnavnet i denne nye version 1.0. I den gamle version kunne instrumentnavnet fjernes ved at dobbeltklikke på instrumentnavnet og derefter slette teksten - men det kan ikke længere lade sig gøre.
Er det mig der har overset en mulighed for at slette instrumentnavnet - eller er muligheden ved en fejl forsvundet ?

Hilsen - Jakob Kaae


In reply to by leifjakobsen

Fandt dette under Release Notes:

Changing instrument names in front of staves involves an extra step. In previous versions you could double click on the instrument name and edit it directly. Unfortunately this method sometimes caused crashes or corruption and is disabled for MuseScore 1.0. However you can still edit the instrument names. Right-click on an empty part of a measure for the staff you want to rename and choose "Staff Properties..." from the context menu. In the Staff Properties dialog you can change the "Long instrument name" which appears on the first system or the "Short instrument name" which appears on subsequent systems.


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