Opgradering fra MuseScore 3.x
This translation is outdated, see the English version for a reference: Upgrade from MuseScore 3.x
Keyboard Shortcuts
See All keyboard shortcuts for MuseScore 4. Here are the common ones that have changed or are entirely new:
Action | MuseScore 3 | MuseScore 4 |
Add tied note | + | T |
Next Measure (Chord Symbol Entry) | Tab | Ctrl/Cmd+→ |
Previous Measure (Chord Symbol Entry) | Shift+Tab | Ctrl/Cmd+← |
Toggle accidental: flat | None | - |
Toggle accidental: natural | None | = |
Toggle accidental: sharp | None | + |
Edit element | Alt+Shift+E | F2 or Alt+Shift+E |
Insert special characters... | F2 | Shift+F2 |
Jump to next UI pane | None | F6 or ` (backtick / grave accent) |
Jump to previous UI pane | None | Shift+F6 or Shift+` |
Show / hide selection filter | F6 | None |
Other changes
- What used to be the Inspector in MuseScore 3 is the Properties tab in MuseScore 4.
- The tool to switch between page view and continuous view is now at the bottom right of the MuseScore window.
- Same for the Zoom control.
- Same for the Concert pitch toggle.
- To (temporarily) change the playback speed you now need to undock the Play Panel.
- The "Toggle MIDI" button now is behind the Play Panel's cog wheel.
- Fermata is now in the Breaths & Pauses palette
- Hiding an instrument now mutes it by default. However, you can now hide the individual staves of the instrument, which is more flexible.
- The Text tool is now in the Text Properties, partly 'hidden' behind the More botton.
Missing Features
Due to the nature of the upgrade some features previously present in MuseScore 3 have not (yet) been included. See this page in the developers' handbook for a listing of those items.