MuseScore 0.9.3 downloaded almost 10.000 times in the past month

• Nov 3, 2008 - 19:32

By the end of September 2008, MuseScore version 0.9.3 was released to the public together with a brand new website. One month later, it looks like the MuseScore project has experienced it's first tipping point. It's time for some number crunching.

The SourceForge download statistics are revealing that MuseScore has been downloaded almost 10.000 times in October. Also worth mentioning, is the fact that MuseScore has been downloaded in almost 100 countries worldwide. The top 10 looks as followed: United States, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Australia.

In the meantime, the MuseScore website is welcoming more than 10 new registered users each day and attracts almost 800 visitors a day. Needless to say that the forum is quite lively now with users helping each other and sharing tips and tricks.

So, what's still ahead for the MuseScore project? Apparently, one of the big challenges is to find a developer who can help building a Mac release for MuseScore. Also, if someone would like to help translating MuseScore to another language, don't hesitate to leave a comment in the translation forum. Finally, we would like to hear some testimonials from music schools who successfully use MuseScore. It would be great to hear some success stories because they can be very rewarding for the many people helping on the MuseScore project. Just leave a comment to this post!

Facts & figures: MuseScore download statistics for September & October 2008:
Download Statistics for MuseScore 10-08.png

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