Full Score

• Mar 29, 2010 - 23:54

Something I would find extremely useful is a facility to see the entire score at the flick of a macro and then back to the previous view. It would be very useful to get a general idea of how the score sits on paper.



There is a zoom feature, and you can scroll the view out as far you like. It has presets, but you can also type any number in the box. Is this what you wanting?

In reply to by newsome

I know there are ways of zooming, but they require numerous movements to be effective. I would like a switch - "full score/last resolution".

Control/zooming and then adjusting the placement of the score is overly time consuming.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I can assume you need a client view, which can flow score in client window, despite of the page size?
I can see this feature in a notation software call "Notation Composer", check http://www.notation.com/index.php
also it has a free player "Notation Player", but all of them are not portable softwares, only run on windows.

I like this feature very much, I never scroll or drag view in "Notation Composer", very convenient feature.

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