Fugue in Gmin

• Nov 18, 2015 - 16:11

A fugue that I wrote for 3 voices in general. This would probably not be performed on a keyboard as it was an experiment in counter-point and the keyboard was not the focus of this piece. I used the mandolin sound font because I feel that it exploits the effect of a fugue much better.

I love Musescore and I thank the whole staff for putting together such an awesome program. I own a "big name" notation software as well but it's easy to get lost in a sea of clicking, searching, and cursing. I use Musescore because it is relatively simple and having the option to export in MIDI, PDF, or WAV with a click is priceless! I don't need a gazillion bells and whistles to write music, I need efficiency.

Anyhoo, happy composing to everybody, enjoy the day, enjoy a beer, and above all, enjoy music.

Attachment Size
Fugue in g min.mscz 5.79 KB


I'm no connoisseur but it's a pleasant song. Welcome aboard and thank you for sharing.
By the way, why not save it online (File / Save online ...) and to share with a wider audience?
Buona musica!

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