MusicXML export cannot handle tempo as "= about [nn]"

• Mar 20, 2016 - 15:33

MuseScore 2.0.2 revision f51dc11
Windows 7

Exporting as XML works fine when the tempo does not use the word "about".
For example "Allegro e leggiero (metNoteQuarterUp = 120)".

          <words font-weight="bold" font-size="12">Allegro e leggiero </words>
          <metronome parentheses="yes">
        <sound tempo="120"/>

But if the word "about" is used before the tempo BPM, the XML export loses its way a bit.
For example "Allegro e leggiero (metNoteQuarterUp = about 120)".

          <words font-weight="bold" font-size="12">Allegro e leggiero (</words>
          <metronome parentheses="no">
          <words font-weight="bold" font-size="12">about 120)</words>
        <sound tempo="120"/>

This export leaves empty the "per-minute" property, which is not valid MusicXML. It also declares "metronome parentheses" as "no", when actually it should be "yes".

Example MSCZ files are attached.

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