So wannaget Hi? alludes to Gould's So u wannaright a fugue and allthose Allu wanna know about ...pieces of 1970's

• Aug 1, 2011 - 06:36

Alludes to Glenn Gould's So ..u wanna right a fugue and Aaron Copland's small book So ...u wanna be a composer and a thousand other self-help /edifying/laymen tutorials of an earlier era. I think the idea is funnny.
Formal considerations are the form abacac taken from a really clever scherzo by Scriabin 3rd piano sonata 1897-98. A is boredom and spiritual angst fueling need to get toasted then B section is the anticipation , going outside of self and habitat to dangerous underworld to procure drugs ,drink,shopping,sex,whatever a person uses. C is the taking and getting hi . U will notice a & c sections repeat since that is the solipsistic model & character of substance abuse.Whose piano music theme I use as the Problem is I want harmonies more redolent of big city life,materialism,sham spiritualism, fast cars ,a public rife with anomie and substance addiction,concrete windowless architecture,digital functionality and infrastructures hopelessly inadaquate for the public in so many cities..Music of our time. Amazing that so many rock bands can do this so easily with old ,inexpressive harmonies.1,4,5 was all the police,Blondie,Rolling Stones and The Beatles and the Talking heads ever needed. Classical music takes this on all the time.So I needs borrowing all the time.Boulez and Xenakis are Gods in my world question is how I do I find my own mathematical formulae to deal with 12 tone and combinatoriality .I have to start somewhere. I think I want too write some canons next weekend since that what Webern ,Berg and Schoenberg do over and over almost unheard in their music.Maybe we feel the canons .It is more than just a strategic,technical gimmick it was a machine and spiritual copy of what these men felt. Interestingly enough ,Pierre Boulez ,ReneLeibowitz,Babbitt and otherst decided against repetition. Without repetition I believe ultimate meanings are destrowed.How can a theme have meaning or anything if it is never seen or hear again.Well,there r answers to this question but thye r a long way off from the traditionalistsMahler,Brahms,.even Debussy,Ravel and Skrabin repeat. so this is a decidedly 20th century notion.I have been applying it for at least a year now only in section c do i repeat and that is because im quoting an entire section of Scriabin which is being played simultaneously as a chopin prelude and some other music Frere Jacque et dormez vous is an oblique refence to what happens at concerts and what people need to be able to really think about contemporary music.amywwaywhenI learn more maybe i can write a full lenght essay like Elizabeth Swados,Luciano Berio, Babbitt & Wuorinen!
Anybody for So...U want to write a Canon?

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