popand atonal mix yo soul jive turkey!

• Aug 31, 2011 - 00:10

You hivin poolin Turkeys! flush it or luv it .
I wanted to see what would happen if i didn't try to hard to mix pop chords and pop rhythms with wht I call"atonal serious intellectual stream contemporary classical music " ! Pretty much not really a success hee but i ze will keeps retooling dis noshun till i gets it the way i want! We have brought a lotta to American pop music and created jazz,soul and a lotta of American identity in language & so on.I need and want to make use of my culutral heritage.I can speeky da king's english whenI want to andI can jive too -whenI want to.I can do anything I want.Thats how powerful I am!!!WooHOO!!!
.I may have to forsee force it or simply have a real idea behind the notion .Ideas are great but final product should count for sumthin'
Messiaen did a lotta research on hindu rythms im gonna try this out in a choral piee .I m looking for a way to merge my african identity with 7centuries of european and American serious music .
This is a document dis here aint groovin yet like Messiaen,Leibowitz,Schoenberg and PierreBoulez butI will work at it.Need some more black pooets to set with gospel choir and organum motet cantus firmus background.The mix can work if u work it!

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