Etude forLefthand alone Piano Study(PLEASE LOOK )

• Oct 5, 2011 - 04:09

sat down at piano to work on my violin concerto (one of 2!)ended up penning this! I have maybe 5 or 6 of these left hand solo etudes now .This one is part of one opus number including 3 etudes! Funny ,I planned on three etudes finished the first one last!.2nd is similar to this with repeated a's in several registers. no.2 needs work no inspiration really.Whie ,I wrote this one in 3 hours. I think it might get longer . Please write me and tell me what you think. My idiom still is too old fashioned I write in a tonal style but love the sonorities and rhythms of 12 twelve-tone music.I need to study some set theory and scientific generating theories to gain ideas.
Lipatti and Enescu wrote sonatas for left hand alone.I might use a sonata-allegro form most likely will do what Corigliano did and write a Fantasy for left hand at some point. Oh,speaking of points the intention to make the left hand sound like 2 or to at least use many of the piano's resources has been bettered by noone better than Leopold Godowsky. His versions of the Chopin etudes for left hand alone is the most ingenious,imaginative and brilliant piano writing I know of besides the Ravel left hand concerto which all commentators have said is a masterpiece of the concerto genre for any instrument both hands or not.I would like to see the Strauss and Prokofiev left hand concerti .Have not even heard # 4 of Prokofiev who allI can tell is one of my favorite composers.
Maybe , next I will write an etude for spiccato or one wholly with pizzicatto left hand for violin.Hope to learn some 20th century flute techniques.Hope to go back to college so I can learn.
One needs a good library these days to do any relevant work. I'vew noticed many people who post here seem to think serious music stopped in Hadyn's day.rarely doI find inspiration or 20th century devices.We need to be in our own time what is the use of writing in a Mozartean style in the 21st century.I go for Pendersecki,Boulez,Xenakis,Elliott Carter,Radulescu,Bolcom,Ives ,Unsuk Chin , EllenZwilich, & so many other amazing living composers. If u don't know these peopel 's work you are creating in a vacuum.I hope to have many listeners some day but pleasing the unthinking listener is not at all my interest. I hope to keep learning and do some really creative work with water,spoons, metal.Music can be made many ways. Definitely need to discover inside the keyboard soundsand techniques

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