Feed the Nostalgia

• Dec 30, 2011 - 13:48

Hey all I just spent like 2 hours putting this together is from an old game i used to play as a child called Illusion of Gaia. The theme is based on Ankor/Angkor Wat so if you dont know what Im talking about please look the song up and let me know how I can better improve this to make it more exciting and accurate.

BTW its only about halfway done but eh 2 hours right? :)

Also if you want to change it up please just send me a copy.
Oh and I'm considering putting this into a full orchestration type of deal so anyone who could/would help please let me know. Thanks all!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybdy5YBQvMU <--- Link

Attachment Size
Angkor Wat IOG Take 2.mscz 5.84 KB

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