MuseScore for Hexagram

• Jan 13, 2012 - 12:38

Hi all
in the past months i had written another post about hexagram project of Wu Dao-Gong
Now I can be more accurately and
this is the notation problem that can be solve with the hexagram implementation:

If we want to add more high notes at the pentagram for example for the piano
we must add another pentagram and
because the last note in the fifth row (sol) is not consecutive for the first row (re) of the second pentagram
the notation for the intermediate note is very difficult for all:

the note with the dashes is the solution adopted until now
but, that, is very complicated to read and write

-------fa---------------------------------------------------------------------fifth row
------re---------------------------------------------------------------------- fourth row
-------si---------------------------------------------------------------------third row SECOND PENTAGRAM
------sol----------------------------------------------------------------------second row
------mi--------------------------------------------------------------------first row

-------fa---------------------------------------------------------------------fifth row
------re---------------------------------------------------------------------- fourth row
-------si---------------------------------------------------------------------third row FIRST PENTAGRAM
------sol----------------------------------------------------------------------second row
------mi----------------------------------------------------------------------first row

on the contrary with the hexagram we have a revolutionary solution
only a central (do) is out of the hexagram because the notes of the sixth (NEW) row and the first row are consecutive

------(la)----------------------------------------------------------------------sixth (NEW) row
-------(fa)---------------------------------------------------------------------fifth row
------(re)---------------------------------------------------------------------- fourth row
-------(si)---------------------------------------------------------------------third row SECOND HEXAGRAM
------(sol)----------------------------------------------------------------------second row
------(mi)----------------------------------------------------------------------first row

------(do)-------------------------------------only central (do) is out of the hexagrams-------

------(la)----------------------------------------------------------------------sixth (NEW) row
-------(fa)---------------------------------------------------------------------fifth row
------(re)---------------------------------------------------------------------- fourth row
-------(si)---------------------------------------------------------------------third row FIRST HEXAGRAM
------(sol)----------------------------------------------------------------------second row
------(mi)----------------------------------------------------------------------first row

and many we want to add
for example in the electronic music we can arrive up (or the same) at all frequencies audible to human ears

with the goal of implementing this new feature
i have choose MUSE SCORE because is an excellent tool
and i can try to modifiy the source code of the MUSE SCORE program

but i hope in the help of someone who understands the importance of this....all related info for the hexagram project of Wu Dao-Gong at

I hope I was understandable
sorry for my "english"
best regards
Marco Lepore

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