
• Jan 19, 2012 - 12:09

Hello my name is Jani and i am from Finland, i am 19 years old at the moment, I have been listening to music my whole life, but two and a half years ago i finally got myself a musical instrument ( Electric guitar). I am mainly a metal/hardrock guitar player. About 18 months ago i became keen on classical music. My favorite composer is Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Ok now the point.

Because of my ,metal/hardrock musical background i know some musical theory. I know lots of scales and modes. how to build up chords/arpeggios , Disonance&Consonance , time signatures (How they work). I would like to learn about classical harmony and most importantly about orchestration.

This is a short piece from one of my compositions what isin't finished yet, i know that its not that great but i would like have have some criticism about it and tell me from what web sites/books i could learn about orchestration and about classical harmony.

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Piano 1.mscz 2.11 KB

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