2 pieces from my 5 Orchestral inventiions January2012

• Jan 25, 2012 - 04:07

I set out to write a serenade in a late Bramsian style as if reinvented by Schonberg what I came up with was this .Charm and humor are my style as well as tonal structures that often have atonal combinations and orchestrations.Want to develop ways to save sounds like paper tearing,water sounds,and the noises materials make.I want to use as many sounds as possible in my work.Water pouring makes my mind run. the second piece is a little too old fashioned and chromatic at present I will have to keep updating it.
My next challengeThe f minor romanze from the Brahms c minor string quartet repeats itself in my head over and over I would like to write music for 2 string quartets and wind ensemble with percussion where the 2nd comments on the first which repeats hundreds of times.

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