Copy Chordnames

• May 1, 2009 - 19:36

I hope this is the right forum.

1. Right now, if you want to copy a part of the piano part further on in the piece, if there are changes added, they get copied also. I would find it better if I was able to choose exactely what was to be copied. Sometimes I want to replace previously written parts with new versions, and if I copy to an existing part, I end up with 2 sets of symbols.

2. It is frustrating to me that chordnames do not get added to other parts when I am producing parts from the score. As it is now, I have to add changes to each part, a very tedious exercise. I would like the choice to be able to add the changes from one part to any part, on demand, and then, of course, to have them transposed where required.

Getting better. :-)


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