N I G H T 2ndMovement from my SYMPHONY #1

• Jun 25, 2012 - 09:22

This is my first sketch for 2nd movement .I love the sounds but the argument built on b-a-c-h motive needs a formal structure. I already have ideas but I want it to stay enigmatic aba and binary forms make music too formulaic ,easily we guess what comes next ,will be repeated and how it will end. Something like Schonberg First Chamber symphony would be ideal. Wish I had his or Berg's knack for orchestration.
This and my violin concerto will be coming along .Cello concerto needs a fast scherzo for its finale but all is coming along well.after these I'm going to try my hand at negro spirituals ala Michael Tippet with some Boulezian 12 town counter motives .
I'm nothing if not ambitious and musescore allows for so much.The French horn sounds,oboe and clarinet and english horn can not be bettered. I know because I'm working on a Cantata for winds and choir !
Oh the fun Daddy has here with this great notation program.Who needs Lasymphony or Vienna Strings. What these so-called film composers need is imagination.Push a button and u get fantastic orchestration combinations but can any of these bedroom engineers tell u how they would have to score it.College kids know it s better this way!

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