Much easier interface for vocals:

• Jun 26, 2012 - 05:38

So I have an idea for a much easier interface for voices so here it is, it involves various keybinds and whatnot and will be tricky to implement, but it'll make the voice layout SO much easier.

CTRL+1= Voice 1 (base)
CTRL+2= Voice 2
CTRL+3= Voice 3
CTRL+4=Voice 4

There will be an extra option located somewhere convenient labeled 'Vocal Layout.'

Toggle measure-selection voice color-code (hover over: This will place the four colors of each voices, Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple as four small stacked squares at the beginning of your selected measure for easy switches between which voices you are currently notating) See picture below:

Auto-Rest [0/0] (The 0/0 will appear in time signature format. If checked, it will mean you can place any voice note (of currently selected voice) anywhere in the measure, and it will automatically place appropriate rests BEFORE the note, no matter where you place it in the measure. This means you won't have to constantly put rests everywhere if you want to add a quick voice eighth note at the end of multiple measures. If the Auto-Rest is set to [1/4], that means it will only be able to place your rests in increments of quarter rests, if you want to have more flexibility, set it to 1/8, or 1/16, etc.)

Vocal Swap Keyboard Shortcut (If you have a note selected, and are currently in vocal 1, simply press shift+2 (for vocal 2, for example) and then proceed to enter a note as you regularly would, and it will attach itself to whatever note you have already selected. Requires Auto-Rest enabled.)

Vocal Swap Keyboard Shortcut SUB-CATEGORY "Allowed Consecutive Notes [0/0] OR [Infinite]" (This number will be the number of notes you can create before it'll automatically swap you back to your initial vocal number you were in before. If set to infinity, use Vocal Swap Keyboard Shortcut keybinds to switch back)

Clearly the names can be altered to make more sense, it's getting late and I just wanted to quickly throw this together.

If ANY of it doesn't make sense, feel free to inquire about it and I'll absolutely elaborate more. For those of you that can make sense of my crazy attempts to explain something seemingly simple but with no easy explanation, please tell me what you think!


Another thing I thought would be cool is something to place under 'Beam Properties'

Consecutive Notes Connected by Beams [0] OR [Infinite] (Automatically set to infinite, this means that if you check the number box, and set it to 2, then when you go to write 4 consecutive eighth notes, it will connect the first two with one beam, and the last two with one beam. If you set the number to 4, it will connect all four notes with one beam. If you set the number to 6, it will connect up 6 identical notes values with one beam.)

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