Violin Concerto No.3 by Earl .M. First sketch

• Sep 24, 2012 - 07:19

Nadia Boulanger says every note has to be honestly written . The problem here is a conceptual idea in the beginning is not supported by what comes later .Their are two different musics here: one concerned with the textured high continued pitches of opening and then the multi-thematic music which comes around bar 61 withthe violinists main entry. Even bigger problem is themes are not developed well one does not feel the music is going anywhere nor saying anything earnest .The music needs to grow and grow out of thematic material. this is 3 days work i hope i can correct the many shortcomings including it is made like many small pieces thrown together not one big section about one main impulse.
Unsuk Chin violin concerto has a great texture and i wanted something like that here . Also i wanted violin double stops which are easily heard in a solo violin part to be most of the violin music so this is almost accomplished .sibelius and shostakovich,glazunov,Prokofiev are my favorite concerti for violin they carry the long line of a central impulse that is what I must learn how to do!

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