GSOC 2017 - Crash reporting - Report 1

Posted 7 years ago

I am having issues on compiling breakpads on windows

I actually succeeded to compile libbreakpad.a using msys and mingw32

But I overpass some issues using this code for strtok_r which I found from stack overflow:

char* strtok_r(
char *str,
const char *delim,
char **nextp)
char *ret;

if (str == NULL)
    str = *nextp;

str += strspn(str, delim);

if (*str == '\0')
    return NULL;

ret = str;

str += strcspn(str, delim);

if (*str)
    *str++ = '\0';

*nextp = str;

return ret;


the problem is that I could not compile the breakpad client library to make a test if breakpads compiled with the msys of mingw32

Now upon advice with Nicolas (my mentor) I am trying to compile it using visual studio as a test.

Another problem with breakpads is that is using gyp which is something similar to cmake but I am not familiar how exactly works so I am trying to figure it out in order to compile the client and make the test