Subdivided real-time input (hyperscribe)?

• Sep 24, 2017 - 04:28

I got super excited when I saw the release of Real-time manual mode. But I mistook the feature for something else that I was used to from Finale, the hyperscribe tool.

It is really, really close though. The only difference is that hyperscribe is like a buffer which logs note input between two presses of the sustain pedal, as an example, and then will quantize the inputted notes to the smallest allowed value (user-defined).

So it this MuseScore tool is really close to that. I am making the request now as it is a more musical way to input the notes and less clumsy when entering fast runs of notes (mashing the advance key, even when the 'advance when released' setting is on, is pretty infuriating). These runs usually require to be slowed down, which breaks the sense of rhythm and you can easily lose your place in the bar. As my eyes are off the screen and on my keyboard, the visual guide is no help here.

To whoever has worked on these new tools, thank you! It is many many times better than step-input, which is simply unmusical. If you would consider this next step to include a note buffer à la hyperscribe it would be very nice indeed.

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