Drag and drop selection between scores

• Oct 9, 2017 - 04:19

Another idea I have for making the sharing of ideas between scores more efficient is to have a drag-and-drop feature which would allow the user to drag and drop a selection, such as a measure, from one score to another when both are in double-panel mode (view > "documents side-by-side" ). This would augment the current copy and paste method. Allowing multiple-selections at one time would make it even more cool. Think of it like notation lego, similar to how one can quickly build a track or an arrangement in a DAW like Ableton by simply drag-and-dropping loops from a library. I have attached a simple one-beat rhythmic ostinati template to demonstrate how "notation lego" could be used. In this case, the user could quickly drag and drop various rhythmic figures into the new score to be repitched later.

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